Yesterday was the start of being more healthy and getting active. Yesterday I made out a healthy menu for the week and My goal is to cut out the snacking. Yesterday I did pretty good.
Today after my kids left for school and my two girls that I watch went to preschool I took my huge hiney to the Rec Center for some weight lifting. I tried to talk myself out of it many times but in the end I went and I am proud.
It was "Sweaty Old Man Day" at the rec center. Apparently all the old men in my town go to work out at 9 am. Thursday I'm going to the Field house instead for some reason the Sweaty Old Men don't go there!
Good luck my friend. It ain't easy, but it is so worth it. Have a wonderful day.
Your post made me smile!!But good for you my husband and I have decided the same thing to get healthier and make improvements in other areas as well, keep up the good work, I started working out again this week as well!
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