Here is the set of Christmas cards that I made. I found the original idea HERE . Of course, I changed the basic idea some because I don't like to completely copy someone elses hard work. But her card was so cute that I wanted the ones I made to look pretty close to the original. I used paper I already had on hand and because I will be mailing out these cards I did not tie the ribbon because it is too bulky in the envelope.
Stamp: Fluffles Garland #N221 by Stampendous - I got it at Hobby Lobby
Ribbon: Grograin Brdeau S #3097 - I think it came from Michaels
Paper: Basic Gray - Fruit Cake - it was left over from some scrapbook page. Except for the paper with the words on it, i'm clueless about who made it and where i got it.
The oval is cut with the Cricut at 4" using George and the outside layer is also 4" but on shadow.