Saturday, June 30, 2007

VACATION in South Dakota!

We drove through the Wildlife Loop in the Black HIlls. We saw lots of Buffalo a few Antelope and a large forest fire. It was pretty close to the road and we could see the flames above the trees. Nick got all freaked out about it and wanted Bill to leave - fast - he was crying and saying that he did not want to be killed. He got a little hysterical! The forest service closed out a portion of the loop a short while after we left.

This Tortise at the Reptile Gardens is 126 years old!

We went to Storybook Island. It was free.

We also stopped by the Wall Drug on our way to

the Badlands. We spent about an hour there looking at

all the stuff. It was a totally "Hokey" place but a lot of

fun! Grace did not like the T=Rex. I was at the other end of the store

when it roared and I could hear her screaming. Bill said that she then went

running off into one of the stores. When she finally found me, she demanded

that we leave.

Bill and his lady friend.

The Chapel in the Hills was one of my favorite places to visit. It is an exact replica of an 800 year old church in Norway.

The Cosmos Mystery Area was a lot of fun. Notice how Nick is leaning.

We drove the Needles Highway and it was amazing. We drove through several tunnels that were only wide enough for one car.

We stopped at an old Prairie Homestead just outside the Badlands National Park. I think it was hard for Nick to understand just how hard life was and how little "things" the people who lived here had. I hope he came away with a better appreciation of how he lives.
The Badlands National Park.

Bear Country, USA

The bear cubs were a big hit with Nick and Grace.
We took a train ride to a small town North of Keystone (town where we stayed). We saw an old caboose along the tracks.

Grace thought the ride was fun. She had a running commentary on everything that we passed. When the train whistle sounded she would cover her ears and scream. Lucky for us, the other passenger were good natured about all the noise coming from our seats.
We passed a lot of beautiful scenery.

We just spent 5 days in South Dakota, we had a lot we wanted to see and we managed to squeeze it all in. We are totally pooped, but we sure had a good time!